

Showing posts with label Natural Skin Care Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Natural Skin Care Tips. Show all posts

Friday, 21 October 2011

Fruit Facial Recipes

By Marlene Daniels 

Mashed, juiced, grated or sliced, fresh fruits and vegetables are incredibly beneficial to the skin. They are complex blends of natural chemical substances which make available to you such things as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, fruit acids, enzymes and water all which are beneficial for treating your skin. Fresh fruits and vegetables are best used in treatment masks.

BEAUTY MASKS; Why? Use a mask regularly to revitalise your skin. They are used to clean the skin, absorb excess oil, remove dead skin cells, soften blackheads, heal damaged or blemished skin, stimulate the circulation in the skin and stimulate healthy cell regeneration, nourish, moisturise, hydrate and soothe your skin and improve skin colour and tone.

How to use; Mix your preparation into a smooth paste and apply in thin layer to a clean damp face. Leave it on for approximately 15 minutes. If your skin is dry or sensitive do not allow the mask to dry out on your skin. Spray or sponge the mask with water whenever you feel it beginning to dry. A small amount of vegetable oil may be added to the mask to prevent it from drying out. Rinse well with warm water, tone with an herbal toner and apply a rich moisturiser.

Apple Grated apple is very soothing and smoothing to a dry skin. It contains malic and tartaric acids which gently exfoliate your skin.

Avocado Mashed avocado flesh is very soothing, softening and emollient to dry skin. It is rich in natural oils.

Bananas Mashed bananas is used in skin care preparations for its soothing and skin softening properties. It contains mucopolysaccharides which improve skin moisturisation.

Cucumber Slices and juice are very soothing, anti-inflammatory, hydrating and mildly astringent to the skin. It can be used to treat age spots.

Grapes Crushed grapes are very soothing, cooling and toning to the skin.

Lemon  Lemon juice is acidic and it is anti-bacterial, astringent and contains citric acid, making it useful when treating oily, blemished skin. Do not use undiluted.

Lettuce Juice is soothing to the skin and promotes the healing of blemishes.

Oat Preparations are very soothing to the skin, relieving irritation, inflammation and itching. They are used in bath preparations, cleansing preparations, face masks, face and body scrubs and soaps. Oatmeal, oat bran and oat flour can be used in these skin care preparations.

Paw-paw or papaya is used in face and body masks as a very gentle exfoliant. It contains the enzyme papain which has the ability to dissolve keratin and hence our dead surface skin cells. Green paw-paw contains more of this enzyme.

Peach and Pear slices, juice or pulp can be used to soothe, soften and hydrate dry skin.

Pineapple flesh or juice is used in the face and body masks as an exfoliant. It contains the enzyme bromelain which has the ability to dissolve keratin and hence dead surface skin cells.

Potatoes Potato juice or grated is soothing and anti- inflammatory. It reduces bruising and calm puffy eyes.

Seaweed is used in skin care for its ability to attract and retain moisture and for its cell regenerative properties. It is soothing, hydrating and healing to the skin.

Strawberry can be mashed and juiced to make skin care preparations which are soothing, toning and mildly bleaching. It can be used on an oily skin to balance overactive sebaceous glands.

Tomato slices or pulp, are used in skin care preparations. It has astringent properties which make it useful for the treatment of oily skin.

Watermelon slices are very soothing, hydrating and toning to the skin. It is generally recommended for use on normal to oily skin.

Fruit Facial Recipes are the cheapest skin care ingredients, they are fresh and natural and they offer simple but efficient alternatives to expensive commercial skincare. Make sure your fruit are organic, if not wash them carefully with warm water. I believe all the beauty ingredients we need, are already in the kitchen because if they are good enough to eat, they should be good enough for the skin. Save your money and your skin!

Originally trained in her native France, Marlene Daniels is a third generation beautician, an herbal home remedies specialist, herbalist, aroma therapist and soap maker. Now living in Sydney, Australia, she founded Soapconscious in 2002, a business dedicated to demystify cosmetic industry and offering alternative 100% natural quality products. Marlene teaches workshops, offers correspondence courses and already wrote many e-books about Natural skincare and Mineral Makeup. To learn how to make your own skin care and make up, please visit

7 Home Fruit Remedies For Healthy Skin

By Ankur Chauhan 

Every woman likes to be beautiful, young and charming. When it comes to beauty, the first thing women should factor is their diet. It has a huge impact on their beauty, appearance and overall appeal.

Generally people assume that a diet is only meant for maintaining proper body shape and figure, but the truth is - what we eat has a lot to do with how beautiful and healthy our body looks and feels.

The quality and appeal of our skin depends upon what we eat and how we eat. The best things that can get into your mouth to make you beautiful are fruits.

Fruits are the best for helping a woman get back to good shape. They can be helpful in various ways. Fruits are not only good for your skin, but it is also tremendously beneficial for your hair, which is why they are always suggested by doctors and nutritionists for inclusion in your diet.

Fruits contain many components, like vitamins, enzymes and acids, which help your skin and hair to glow. They are also helpful to improve your skin tone, for maintaining weight, and as a method to cleanse one's body of residual impurities. Let's take a look at some of the fruits that are extremely beneficial to your skin.

Lemons: A common fruit found in nearly every kitchen. It is the most important and effective fruit which can help you in more than one way. It can be used as a soap, shampoo or deodorant. It also softens the skin in the relatively "hard" areas of your body, such as the elbows. Using a few drops in your bathing water can make you feel fresh for the rest of the day.

Banana: can be used for any type of skin, and they are also considerably rich in proteins. A mashed banana can be used just like a generic cosmetic face pack which you will find in the markets today.

Apply this impromptu face pack for approximately fifteen minutes to notice the difference for yourself. In fact, you can also use this fruit to take care of your hair. Mix a little honey with mashed bananas, and apply this concoction to your hair to see a noticeable difference in as little as a week's time.

Papaya: is a fruit which is rich in enzymes, which in turn makes it the best way to thoroughly cleanse your skin of all settled impurities. Use caution though - only apply it on non-sensitive areas.

Aloe oil mixed with mashed papaya is universally considered to be the best treatment to get glowing skin. Restrict this treatment to once in a month.

Peaches: Looking to cleanse your skin by getting rid of all dry deal cells? Peaches is the best fruit to do just that. Make a paste of mashed fresh peaches, combined with a spoon of yogurt, and apply it to your skin. Wash it off with water and see the result for yourself.

Apples: An apple a day does more than just keep the doctor away, in fact, it also helps to give you glowing, beautiful skin. Mixing apple juice with your bathing water can help you in getting soft and clean skin in no time. It also helps you to ensure that your hair are dandruff-free. Use it after shampooing for best results.

Strawberry: If you need a fruit to act as a toner and conditioner, then strawberry is the best fruit for you. Strawberry contains salicylic acid, which is helpful to get healthy skin. Mixing strawberries with sour cream can make for a good and effective facial. Use it at least once in a week to get better results. And of course, it also keep your breadth berry-fresh!

Pineapple: For dry skin, pineapple is the best fruit which can be used as a skin softener. It can help you in softening the hard areas of your body, like the heel and elbow. A slice of it can also be used as a sponge during a bath.

With that, we conclude this article about the 7 best fruits that can help you with getting healthy skin and beautiful like never before. Skin Care, is essential for the women and men in India, along with hair care, fashion, and health. Also important are the Vitamins for beautiful skin which provide additional help to give your skin a natural glow.

25 Natural Skin Care Tips For a Perfect Complexion

By Steve Paul 

These days there are countless tips, techniques and miracle acne cures floating around in cyber space. Let me help you sort through the muck! In this article, I've highlighted the 25 most important natural skin care tips that will truly change your skin for the better and give you the complexion you've always desired.

Find out what food sensitivities you have. This is best done by using the Elisa testing technique. Once you find out the culprits avoid those foods at all costs and watch your skin almost instantly improve.

Stay away from dairy. The consumption of dairy is often the cause of many negative skin conditions.

Avoid red meat. All types of red meat will slow digestions making it hard for your body to expel toxins. This will undoubtedly result in poor skin.

Don't Smoke. Not only is smoking bad for your overall health, but it will also turn your skin yellow and cause breakouts.

Avoid alcohol. The liver has the important job of removing toxins from our system. Alcohol prevents the liver from fully performing its job.

Incorporate all natural Aloe Vera gel (I'm talking straight from the plant) into your skin care regimen. Aloe Vera is one of the very best all natural skin care nutrients on the planet! Use it, and see the incredible results.
Don't touch your face throughout the day. If you practice natural organic skin care techniques and do everything else right, but still touch your face throughout the day, your acne may still be prevalent.

Get plenty of vitamin A into your diet naturally. Although supplementation does have its place, acquiring vitamins organically will offer the best skin care improvements. Here's a tip: Eat a ton of carrots!

Keep your hair away from your face. When hair that retains oil is constantly touching your face it could cause breakouts.

Get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. The body uses the time that you are sleeping to expel acne causing toxins.

Wash your pillow case daily. Each night as you sleep, oil from your hair and face will transfer onto your pillow case. This case can be the perfect breading ground for acne causing bacteria.

Wash your face no more then 2 times a day. A huge mistake that many people who suffer from acne make is washing their face too often. If you strip away all the oils from your skin, more acne causing sebum will be produced in the long run. Remember, you can't wash away acne!

Use a sunscreen (SPF 15 or greater) whether it's rainy, cloudy, winter or summer! No matter what, protect your skin from damaging UV rays. They're always there, no matter what time of year or what type of weather.

Limit stress. Stress increases the production of hormones which cause acne. Also, the more stress you experience, the harder it is for your body to heal.

Get your digestion under control by performing a colon cleanse biannually. Proper digestion is essential for clear and beautiful skin.

Eat plenty of raw fruits and vegetables. This is a great way to get a large variety of skin healing nutrients into your diet naturally.

Know your skin type and act accordingly. Different products, moisturizers and natural skin care recipes should be used depending on your skin type.

Don't consume any hydrogenated fats or oils (this means absolutely no margarine!). Your skin will never clear up without ridding your diet of harmful substances like hydrogenated fats or oils.

Beware of fragrances that make you break out. Believe it or not, some perfumes and fragrances can actually cause breakouts.

Get plenty of exercise. Physical exercise is extremely important for clearing acne as it reduces stress significantly.

Stay hydrated by drinking at least 64 ounces of water each day. Water is a key component in removing toxins from the body.

Use a mild abrasive soap once a day to remove dead skin cells. Dead skin cells can clog pores and cause breakouts if they are not removed.

Take a high quality multivitamin. Getting all the skin care vitamins into your diet each and every day is difficult to do naturally. Taking a high quality multivitamin will ensure that no nutrient has been left out.

Use natural organic skin care makeup. Many prominent makeup brands use a formula that will clog pores and cause acne. Be sure to use all natural makeup or better yet... no makeup at all.

Use all natural homemade soap. Store bought skin care products can incorporate damaging synthetics that will often make your skin condition worse. The only way to know for sure that what you are putting on your skin is 100% all natural and chemical free is to make the skin care products yourself.

Now it's time that you put these natural skin care tips into practice. I just know that you will love the results!

For more natural organic skin care tips visit Steve's site Here you will learn everything you need to know about natural organic skin care and creating your own personal beauty bars completely from scratch.

The Best Natural Skin Care Products For a Healthier Skin

By Georgina R. Clay 

Skin care products are in great demand especially from women that want to keep the radiant and glowing skin for many years to come. However in order to have a healthy skin you have to follow a daily regime to clean, tone and moisture your skin.

The challenge is what skin care creams, lotions, gels, etc. you should use to protect your skin from toxins and the signs of aging like wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, blemishes, sagging skin etc.

There is a trend towards using natural skin care products due to is efficiency and safety on the skin. There are countless of skin care products on the market already, but few are 100% natural or made of organic ingredients.

This does not mean that skin care creams made of chemicals dont work, is just that is not safe to use on your skin and the results and usually temporary. You might use a wrinkle filler cream made of alcohol, it will actually cover up your wrinkles, but it will hurt the layers of your skin in the long run thus causing more wrinkles.

Organic Skin care products

A good organic skin care cream should contain only botanical ingredients that come from plant extracts, seeds, water, flowers. Their creams should not contain any chemical substances, additives or synthetic ingredients like parabens and petrolatum.

The ingredients of natural skin care products are gathered from organic farmers, oil distillers, and wildcrafters from many parts of the world.

The ingredients should be easily absorbed and digested by the skin without causing any kind of irritation regardless of your skin type.

Organic skin care products do not allowed chemical fragrances, parabens, formaldehyde-based ingredients, cosmeceuticals, animal by products and over processed ingredients.

There are any number of natural skin care products such as:



Facial Toners


Face Serums

Night Care


Eye care creams

Sun protection

The most important thing that you should keep in mind is that any skin care product that you try should not contain synthetic ingredients because they will hurt your skin, you should read the labels and only use natural ingredients such as vitamins, anti oxidants, CynergyTk, Wakame, Coenzyme Q10 and others. Click Here to Discover the Breakthrough Natural Anti Aging Creams that are changing lifes. If you have unwanted wrinkles, fine lines, and damaged skin visit the Best Anti Aging Creams  to discover the shocking truth that now one else wants to expose.

Friday, 14 October 2011

How To Get Healthy Skin - Skin Care Tips That You Can Implement Immediately

By Holly Franklin 

So you want to know how to get healthy skin? Skin health is important; if you have glowing skin it is a sign you have great overall general health.

For many people having lovely looking skin goes hand in hand with losing weight and getting that bikini body ready for the summer. Here we give you our top skin care tips. Let's start with foods that you can eat to improve the skin.

How To Get Healthy Skin - What 5 Foods To Eat

It is obvious but eating well will only improve the health of your skin. Foods that you should avoid include sugary treats and dairy products but here are five foods that will improve your skin and the rest of your body.

Water - Ok not really a food but important as it helps keep your skin hydrated which is important to skin elasticity.

Blueberries - This fruit is high in antioxidants and helps purge free radicals from the body that causes damage to the skin.

Walnuts - Walnuts are high in fatty acids, protein and fiber which helps protect the skin and keeps it supple.

Green Tea - Green tea has anti-inflammatory properties and is rich in polyphenols too.

Whole Wheat Bread - Great for skin health as it contains selenium. Selenium (a derivative of vitamin C) is a mineral that is beneficial to protecting skin cells and can actively improve skin damaged by the sun.

Other Great Tips On How To Get Healthy Skin

I know that changing your diet isn't always easy to carry out especially if you are a fussy eater. If you do not fancy changing your diet then here are five other skin care tips.

Sunscreen - I know you have heard this before but it really is good advice. Use this and protect yourself from sunburn, UV light and the harmful and aging effects of the sun's rays.

Use Moisturizer - You need to keep your skin hydrated so it can heal and recover properly from day-to-day damage.

Tanning Machines - What you are doing is allowing artificial UV rays to bombard your body. The Word Health Organization states that no one under the age of 18 should use a sun bed as it is only going to damage your skin.

Vitamin Intake - Any person can take vitamin E which can undo the damage to the skin through exposure to the sun. For women it is recommended that you use Evening Primrose Oil as it promotes skin health and can help reduce acne.

Get Some Exercise - If you exercise then it helps the cardiovascular system and introduces more oxygen to the skin thus helping it keep its elasticity and as a bonus can help reduce wrinkles too.

How To Get Healthy Skin A Conclusion

To answer your question on how to get healthy skin the solutions are fairly obvious. It is to lead a healthy lifestyle. Your skin health is a good indicator of overall wellbeing.

So eat better, drink enough water, take the right vitamins and then look after your skin using sunscreen and moisturizer and your skin will soon look much healthier and you will feel better to boot as well.

Want More Skin Health Information?

Thanks for reading this article Do you want more Healthy Skin Tips? Then why not read more about Vitamins For Skin Health to see how you can improve skin health even more?