By Kayla Alves
When you have to deal with the possibility of dark circles under eyes, you may want to do something to prolong the inevitable.
Here are a few tips to help you prevent those dreaded eye dark circles.
1. Rubbing your skin, especially around your eyes, has a similar effect as the warm water. Sure, it is not a lot of damage, but it will accumulate over time. You will eventually lose the elasticity in your skin if you are rubbing on it. You should pat dry with a very soft towel to avoid doing any damage at all to your skin.
2. Everyone needs 8 hours of sleep every night to rejuvenate their skin. This will help your skin look its best. Not only does the sleep help your body recharge and help your skin to stay healthy, in fact having your eyes closed is a great way to prevent dark circles. Do not become Rip Van Winkle here; just get enough sleep every night.
3. Using chemicals on your face is always a bad idea. If you must wear any makeup at all, you need to make sure that it is natural. Organic products might cost a little bit more due to the organics boom thing happening now, but your face will thank you for it in another ten years. While other people your age has dark circles, you will still look like you are in your 20s.
4. Eye creams should follow along the same lines as the makeup you are using. If you are using an eye cream at night to fight back against the dark circles, make sure that you are using an all-natural product. Some eye creams work well for a few months, but then the effects start to show after prolonged usage. You can avoid this by going with a natural product.
5. When you want to remove your makeup, a gentle soap product and some lukewarm water will do the trick. Do not rub, scrub, and scrape it off either. Be very gentle with the makeup on your face and never use any alcohol or oil-based products to help in the removal. If that takes that much to get it off, it is not worth putting on.
Your eyes are usually the first thing people notice about your face, so make sure that you follow the tips laid out above if you want to avoid having premature eye dark circles. They are going to show up eventually, but you can put it off for a while.
If you would like more details on eliminating your dark circles under your eyes. Please visit my personal website at