

Friday 15 June 2012

4 Tips On How To Get Healthy Skin Naturally

4 Tips On How To Get Healthy Skin Naturally

By Beverly L. Johnson

Everybody wants to have healthy, glowing skin. However, most people are hesitant to apply chemicals to their skin for fear of suffering adverse and unwanted effects. This makes skin care a very difficult task, despite the many available cosmetics in the market today.

For those who are not comfortable using manufactured products, there are still numerous ways through which one can take care of their skin. One just has to know how to get healthy skin naturally. These are just some tips:

1) Eat healthy - You must remember that the skin is best nourished from the inside. To know how to get healthy skin naturally, one should start with what he eats. This is done by making sure that what you eat is good to your skin.

Specifically, foods rich in Vitamin A and C and Omega 3 will have good effects to your skin. Vitamin A keeps your skin smooth by reducing oil production. So you have to see to it that foods like sweet potatoes, carrots, eggs and milk are part of your daily diet. Vitamin C on the other hand is essential in collagen formation which is responsible in reducing wrinkles.

Some Vitamin C rich foods are oranges, kiwis, apples, grapefruits and red peppers. Omega 3 prevents skin inflammations and helps your skin absorb more vitamins and nutrients. You will get a significant amount of Omega 3 from fishes and nuts. Other skin-friendly foods are tomatoes, dark chocolates, green tea and cranberries.

2) Exercise Regularly - Exercising is not only good for weight-management and blood circulation but is also a good tip on how to get healthy skin naturally. It gives the skin a certain radiant glow as it provides the skin with needed oxygen. Most importantly, exercising is one good stress reliever. Studies show that one major cause of acne and wrinkles is stress. Put one and one together, you'll get a healthier, young-looking skin.

3) Don't Smoke - Smoking is not only a cause of lung cancer. It also increases the risk of skin cancer. Also, smoking hastens skin aging. That is why most smokers have really saggy and wrinkled skin. Dark spots also appear. By not smoking, you don't only protect your internals but also makes you radiate from the outside.

4) Keep hydrated - You have probably been told that you have to drink at least six cups of water daily. This cleanses your body from toxins which causes most skin infirmities. Apply body lotion to ward off dryness if necessary.

The foregoing are just some of the many methods on how to get healthy skin naturally, which are very easy to follow and has very significant good effects to your skin. Go natural and you can never go wrong.
In addition to the above natural tips, the use of natural skin care products also prove to be helpful in attaining healthy clear skin.

Beverly Johnson researches natural skin care products that help you succeed in attaining healthy beautiful skin. Find out more about natural skin care products she has researched and uses today, available at: =>

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Best Beauty Tips and Secrets

Best Beauty Tips and Secrets

By Monika J. Williams

"The old skin has to be shed before the new one can come." - Joseph Campbell.
What you can do to your skin, to look the best as ever? Well, skin is the largest and one of the most important organs of our body. Unfortunately, there are many who don't pay much attention to their skin.
Spending a lot of money on your skin is not what your skin needs. But make sure your dish contains all the nutrients for a healthy skin. Your diet means a lot to your skin because you really look like what you eat.
Being a delicate organ skin needs to be treated very lightly, avoid being harsh to it. A stressful life can take away the glow from your skin. So leading a peaceful life along with eating healthy food can help you get back your radiant looking skin. Also don't forget to get plenty of sleep to get a healthier and energetic skin. You can simply spend lot of money on creams and beauty products but they won't be worth it if you don't take care of your body as a whole. Remember your ultimate aim is to get a healthy and radiant looking skin at the same time.

So, just follow these tips to help you get started..
  • Always Stay Hydrated
Make sure you have plenty of water, at least 8 glasses of water every day. It is an excellent beauty product gifted by nature. Water being a beauty regime, apart from drinking; wash your skin regularly with clear and soft water. If possible use a hydrating face mask once a week.
  • What you should avoid?
When you breathe fresh air you can have a healthier skin, so avoid smoking. The harmful chemicals inhaled will affect our body's ability to reproduce new cell. Also avoid a high calorie intake as it directly and indirectly affects the glow of your skin.
  • Home remedies.
It is always better to follow any natural home beauty tips. For example, you can remove the puffiness of your eyes by making eye pads with coffee powder or slices of cucumber than opting for some unwanted chemicals.
  • Sunscreens
Make sure you go out with any good sunscreens on your face if there is a possibility of exposure to sun. The harmful rays from sun can cause wrinkles, burns and damages to your skin. There are some common sunscreen mistakes that you should avoid while applying sunscreens. Just do a small research on that.
So stay healthy and be gorgeous as ever.

Thursday 7 June 2012

Caring for Your Long Hair in Summertime

Caring for Your Long Hair in Summertime

By Jennifer C Smith

Trying to take care of long hair and keep it looking its best when summer comes around can be very hard. Sun, sea, sand and swimming pools are all rather hair unfriendly and if you have a longer head of hair it is far harder to keep it healthy than those with a cool short crop. Before you give in and cut your hair though try some of these tips when the temperatures rise this year, they should really help:

Change Your Styling Routines- The strong summer sun can dry out hair very quickly so you really do need to find a way to help your hair hold on to as many of its natural oils and moisture as possible. Two ways you can do this are to decrease the number of times you shampoo and then to limit your use of heat styling tools, especially your blow dryer. If you really cannot live without a blow out though make sure you apply a good leave in conditioner before you begin styling.

Nix the Swimming Cap - Most people are all too aware of the damage that chlorine and sea salt can inflict on hair and some ladies (and a few gents) turn to tucking their tresses underneath a swimming cap to try to prevent as much of this damage as possible. This is not however always a great idea either. The rubber that the average swimming cap is made from is not very hair friendly either, it tends to stick to hair and rip it when the cap is removed.

A far better idea is to dampen your hair and apply a little of your regular conditioner before you take a dip in the pool or the sea. The unwanted salt and chlorine will cling to the greasy conditioner and then you will be able to wash it all away with ease once you are back on dry land.

Cover Up During the Day- If you are going to be out in the sun when it is at its hottest and brightest - usually at lunchtime when you may be headed out for a break - the best weapon you have against sun damage is a good hat or even just a pretty summer scarf. A leave in conditioner is an alternative but it is not as effective as a physical cover up and lets face it - a hat can cover up a multitude of hair problems on those days when you simply do not have the energy to deal with it!

Fighting the Frizzies When the Heat Is On- Humidity is another big enemy of your summer time hair. Rinsing your hair in cold water when you wash it can help seal the ends and applying a silicone based serum can work wonders as well. If you do use a serum product though you really only need to use a very tiny amount and just work it through your hair very well - add too much and your hair will look greasy and oily, it's very strong stuff!

Plenty of women dream of beautiful long hair, to know how to make hair grow faster, visit our site.

Monday 4 June 2012

DIY Skin and Body Care Recipes

DIY Skin and Body Care Recipes

By Brenda Stocker

I have worked in beauty industry for 18 years. I have worked with many professional products as you can imagine. Requests for skin care without scent, parabins, preservatives, not tested on animals and many other issues kept cropping up. So I started to think of solutions for this issue. Many of the skin care lines had natural ingredients such as shea butter, essential oils, avocado oil etc. I just came to the conclusion that I could use these natural ingredients straight from the fridge. I did some research and came up with what I call some"DIY Cheap and Cheerful home Recipes".

Pedicure Foot Soak

2 cups of warm milk
2 table spoons of sweet almond oil
3 to 4 drops of essential oil of choice/or none at all
Add to a foot soak or bowl with about 2 inches of water
The lactic acid in the milk will help break down dead skin cells and softens skin.

The Almond Oil is an excellent moisturizer and lubricant, which prevents the skin from drying and keeps you from free from chapped and peeling skin. Almond oil has been used for centuries as a soothing remedy for skin allergies and to treat minor cuts and wounds.

Cheap and Cheerful Body Scrub

� cup of baking soda
� cup of coarse sea salt or epsom salts
1 Table spoon of olive oil or macadamia nut oil
1 teaspoon of lemon juice

This is just a guide line for the recipes you can add more ingredients if you like.

Stand in bath or shower and on dry skin and scrub ingredients all over. Be gentle on the face or just use the baking soda without coarse salt.

Either shower it off or soak in tub with ingredients left in. This will leave your skin soft and beautiful.
Twice a week is usually good. Just pat dry try not to wipe off all the oil as this is what will moisturize your skin.

You can add essential oil of choice. If you do this in the morning peppermint is a good stimulant to wake you up. If it is at night some lavender would be a better choice. Add some camomile tea and say good night.
By the way no household should be without baking soda, it can be used for cleaning, brightening your wash and your teeth.

Get a little Green Avocado Mask

1 ripe avocado
1 teaspoon lemon juice

Mush up the avocado and lemon juice together and apply to face and neck let sit for 20 minutes. Rinse with cool water then pat dry. This mask is so hydrating and takes good too if you have the inclination to eat it.
A little Aspirin Goes a Long Way

3 uncoated aspirin
1 teaspoon of honey

Aspirin can be used as a mask if you are having some breakouts. Aspirin contains salicylic acid which is very good for acne.

Honey absorbs impurities from the pores and makes skin really soft. It also reduces redness. Make sure you use organic honey. It will be cloudy not clear.

Put aspirin in a little dish then put a few drops of water on each one. Wait a few minutes and crush them up. If you need to add a few more drops of water do so. Add the honey and make a paste. Be careful not to dissolve the aspirin completely.

Wet face a little and pat in on all over, avoid going too close to the eye area.

Wait 5 to ten minutes. You might feel tingling that is normal. Wet face a little and rub it in gently. Rinse completely. You can moisturize with a little organic coconut oil. Yes I said oil, just a little to moisturize. You can use a light moisturizer if you are going out. People with acne usually have dehydrated skin due to over washing. This just dries up the water and not the oil.

A Little Secret from Cleopatra

Take a little trip to Egypt with this beautiful soothing milk bath. Get some candles turn down the lights and indulge.

2 Cups of heavy cream
2 tablespoons of organic honey
5 drops Ylang Ylang essential oil
5 drops of Sandalwood essential oil
5 drops of Jasmine essential oil

Mix honey into milk and mix well then add essential oils and mix them in as well. Leave the cream mixture a room temperature. Start to run bath water on tepid while adding milk, then increase temperature of water. If you just add the milk to really hot water it will curdle. Nothing like curdled milk to ruin a perfectly good imaginary trip to Egypt.

All the ingredients listed above are easy to come by so it will be easy to DIY. Sometimes we don't have time to go the spa or don't have the budget but want to maintain beautiful skin. Just a note about the essential oils, they can be purchased at any health food store or specialty store. Just make sure you keep them in a cool dark place to preserve them for as long as possible.

You have to live in your skin for a long time so take care of it.

Saturday 2 June 2012

4 Summer Hair Care Tips

By Cristian Hegemann

I believe that in the summer it is really important that you keep your hair protected, so that is basically what I am going to talk about in this short article.

Tip #1 - Trim your hair
The first step in keeping your hair healthy through the warmer season is to start with trimmed hair. You want to start with fresh ends because your hair is less likely to start splitting from the heat. If it's really hot outside, or if you take a really hot shower, the hair follicle will open and expand making your hair to look less shiny and things like that. It is going to start with the ends of your hair and it will continue its way up and you are more likely to see an increase of split ends during the summer. That is why I highly recommend getting rid of the bad ends now so that the tip of your hair will be very healthy right from the start.

Tip #2 - Use heat protection
If you like to spend a lot of time outside during the summer, like me, the thing you want to do is to invest a good heat protection. These types of products work just like sunscreens and they also provide protection against UV. Other that heat protection you could also invest in a cute hat that would protect the crown of your hair and let your hair breath at the same time. If you don't like hats maybe you can try out some scarfs that you can wrap around your hair - you know the old school stuff.

Tip #3 - Use a conditioner
Third tip is to use a conditioner that has high moisture content. If you do so your hair is less likely to expand from the humidity, because your hair is not looking for moisture in the air. If the first thing on the ingredients list on the back of your conditioner is water then you are on the right path.

Try to wear your hair in protective hair styles, don't go to crazy with the way you wear your hair in the summer, just save it for special occasions. If your hair can take it, by all means, wear it any way you like it, but if you have more sensitive hair, like I do, I wouldn't recommend wearing your hair out all the time in the heat. Instead, I would probably braid it or I would style it with conditioner and just leave it on, so you are deep conditioning your hair all day long.

Tip #4 - Use oils and vitamins

The fourth and last thing I also recommend through the summer is to make sure you continue your oil treatments, once every other week. Great oils for deep conditioning in the summer are coconut oil and olive oil. Don't forget to do this; your hair will really appreciate it.

During the summer season your hair needs an extra amount of vitamins and minerals so you might consider vitamin supplements like biotin.

The sun can do so much damage to hair as it can do to your skin, so there is no reason why hair should not benefit from the same amount of care and protection during the warm season.
Cristian is a part time blogger that writes about various tips including biotin side effects.

Thursday 31 May 2012

Top 10 Summer Skin Care Tips

By Sam E Fisher

While lounging about in the sun may feel wonderful, the harmful UV rays that come from the sun are doing not-so-wonderful things to our fragile skin. UV rays not only destroy the collagen in our skin, giving us wrinkles, dry patches, and generally accelerating the aging process, they can also (and more seriously) give us skin cancer. Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the U.S. According to, Melanoma, the most serious type of skin cancer, will account for more than 75,000 cases of skin cancer in 2012.
So, what are the things we can do to help protect our skin during the summer, and make sure we don't become another sad statistic? We've put together a list of 10 important sun-care tips to do just that.

You've heard it before - sunscreen is a must. When you go out to buy sunscreen, you need to pay attention to what you're really buying, otherwise you could be doing more harm than good.

First, make sure that it's actually sunscreen you're buying, not suntan lotion. If there is a bronzer in the lotion, you could end up drawing more sun to your body and frying your skin like a potato chip. If you read the bottle before you buy it, it will tell you all that you need to know.

There's also the decision on which SPF you should buy. There's everything from SPF 5 to SPF 100 on the market. According to the AAF (American Academy of Dermatology), the SPF will help deflect the sun-burning rays from your skin. An SPF 15 will deflect about 93% while an SPF 30 deflects 97%. The higher the SPF, the longer you can typically stay out in the sun without turning red. Focus on UVA and UVB protection, too.

As you shop around for your sunscreen, look to see if it water resistant. This will ensure you have the proper coverage for when you go in the pool, the ocean or just work up a sweat. If it's not waterproof, you could end up washing it off without even realizing it.

You also need to remember to reapply your sunscreen at least every 2 hours to ensure it is still effective.

Did you know that some make-up now comes with UV protection? Generally speaking it won't provide the protection found in a quality sunscreen, but if you want to stay looking good whilst protecting your skin at the same time it will certainly help. We suggest you apply sunscreen lotion to your face first, allow it to soak in, then apply your UV protection make-up on top. This will provide a much stronger protection than just the make-up on its own and still keep you looking glamorous. If you buy a water-proof make up it will mean you can even have a little dip in the pool too!
Did you know that just like your skin, your eyes get burnt by the sun too? Over time this sun damage can cause catorax and other problems.
Sunglasses don't just look cool, they provide vital protect for your eyes. Thanks to celebrities such as Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton, over-sized sunglasses are very fashionable at the moment. Over-sized sunglasses provide more coverage, hence more protection. Make sure you buy a pair which offer UV protect.

The sun at certain times of the day is more harmful than other times. Between 10am and 4pm the suns rays are at their strongest so you need to seek some shade. This is where parasols, umbrellas, and wind blockers really come in handy, especially if you are on a beach where shade may be limited. If you are out and about use this time to take shelter under a tree or enjoy an ice-cream in a nice cafe.

We all know the damage dehydration can do to the skin and during the hot summer months it's very easy to become dehydrated without even realizing it. Make sure you drink lots of water. If you are out and about keep a bottle of mineral water with you at all times and make sure you actually drink it. There's nothing worse than being thirsty and not within the vicinity of a cold drink! Avoid alcohol and caffeine if possible as it dehydrates. A nice cold beer or sangria might sound refreshing but it will have the opposite effect, leaving you even more thirsty.

Keep a bottle of aloe gel nearby. If you do end up in the sun for a little too long despite wearing sunscreen and protective clothing, then aloe gel can provide you with the little bit of instant relief you may need. You can lather it on liberally and not only will it take the sting out of sunburn but it also will help you from turning too red and blistering.

It's not just about keeping hydrated on the inside, try carrying a small bottle of water spritz in your bag and mist yourself often. By keeping hydrated inside and out, you can avoid getting overheated. This will not only help you with beating any kind of heat rash but it could also help you prevent any kind of flair ups you might experience with rosacea.

Your lips are part of your skin too, and unfortunately a common place for cancer to form. People often miss or simply forget to apply any protection to this area of their face. Make sure that you get a quality lip balm to keep with you at all times. At least an SPF 15 should be purchased. Avoid petroleum based balms during your time in the sun as they wont help. Just like you do with your sunscreen, you should reapply lip balm every two hours. This will ensure they don't get burnt and they stay soft and supple.

Hats are not just for looking pretty, they're a functional item of clothing which provides a great supply of mobile shade! Not all hats are born equal though, make sure you choose one with a nice large brim. This will help protect your eyes and the back of your neck from the sun's dangerous UV rays.

From top to bottom, you need to dress appropriately while you're outside. You can only put sunscreen on so many parts of your body - so pay attention to what goes on the rest of you.

Some garments will actually have an Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF) to them, too. This will ensure you can go anywhere without worrying about skin damage. Keep in mind that darker materials absorb the UV light and tighter weaves on clothing can prevent the UV rays from penetrating closer to your skin.

You can check out more great skin care tips and find out how to get rid of stretch marks on our web site.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Anti Aging Skin Care - 3 Simple Tips

Anti Aging Skin Care - 3 Simple Tips

By Sharon Hope

The external beauty of a person is largely determined by healthy skin. The skin and its texture can make or mar a person's beauty. Human skin is made up of three layers. As age progresses, the elasticity weakens and the skin tends to wrinkle. Premature wrinkling is caused due to prolonged exposure to sunlight. There are more than just these few factors which make a person look older than his or her actual age.

The anti aging skin care techniques here will help make a person look young and healthy.

1. Natural tips for anti aging skin care

Many factors like lifestyle, environmental pollution, extreme climatic conditions, exposure to the sun's harmful rays, tension and health problems affect the skin. Ayurveda is an ancient science which is still being practiced. Natural herbs and other substances are used in ayurvedic treatments with minimal side effects. Many of the ayurvedic tips for anti aging skin care can be made in the home. The skin can be massaged with coconut oil, olive oil, almond oil or clarified butter and left overnight. Oil massages are good for the body and provides the body moisture and lubrication. People with oily skin should not apply too much oil. People with dry skin should try products with oil base and herbs.

Sandal and turmeric are good for the skin. Home made face packs containing turmeric is good for the skin. A turmeric pack can be made easily by mixing a pinch of turmeric to milk cream and a spoon of lemon juice. This pack can be applied after an oil massage, left for about ten minutes and washed away. This can be done once in two weeks to get a glowing rich skin. Scrubbing the nose with a pinch of salt that has been wet with butter milk helps to clean the surface of the nose and remove whiteheads.

2. Choosing the right skin care product and some home made packs

A person has to find out his or her type of skin and buy products which are suitable. A product which has Vitamin E, A and C is very good because these vitamins help in rejuvenating the skin. The vitamins prevent free radical damage and thus prevent wrinkles and lines. They contain antioxidants which give the skin a special glow and also make it firm. It is also essential to eat nutritious food.

3. Exercise, positive attitude and general tips

Exercise is the best tonic for a healthy body. It gives the body shape and keeps away fat. The right kind of exercises to keep the skin looking young can be decided upon by the fitness expert.

A healthy mind determines a healthy body. Staying positive and happy reduces the wrinkles and tension lines.
It is also imperative to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. A meal plan which consists of green leafy vegetables and fruits make the skin healthier and firm. Using tomato or honey packs are also good for the skin.

Many people limit oil massages and packs to the face. However the packs mentioned above and oil massages are good for the entire body. Spending a little time on oneself will help them to stay young looking.

Many people forget to care for their skin in the rush of life. By the time they realize that they are looking older than their counterparts, it is too late to adopt such remedies. Surgical options are very popular but there are increasing reports of mishaps. A little care can go a long way in remaining looking young and attractive.
For in depth reviews of reviews of anti aging products and special deals check out

Monday 7 May 2012

Organic Skincare - Summer Tips for Natural Skincare

Organic Skincare - Summer Tips for Natural Skincare

By Arina Gibson

Now that summer is nearly here it's time to think of a natural skincare program by incorporating organic skincare products for great and healthy looking skin.

So where do you start? Here are some key things to do to make sure that your skin is looking the best it can for the hot, sunny months.

During the sunnier weather we are all showing off more skin, therefore it's essential to maintain a fresh glow on your skin. Every morning in the shower use an exfoliating sponge or massager. This will clean off dead skin cells, which for your complexion can cause havoc - especially when you take into account sweat and makeup.
Use a natural body scrub with revitalising properties. Remember top shop around for organic skincare products and choose something that is best suited to your skin type.

Skincare Protection - Beware of the Sun
It's essential during the summer to keeping the skin well protected. This is also necessary if in the long-term you want to stay wrinkle-free. Use a natural sunblock with a high SPF.
Because we tend to sweat more in the hot weather it's essential to choose organic skincare creams that are rich in essential oils and are water resistant.

Of course you will want to look your best, so only after applying sun cream will you want to apply makeup. Doing so will help to maintain skin moisture. It will also keep provide necessary sun protection from the sun and you won't have to worry about removing and re-applying makeup later on in the day. Remember that many mineral foundations have a 15 SPF factor, so using them you can reduce the need for sunscreen.

Daily wash
The ground tends to be much drier and therefore there is more dust flying around. So each day you need to get rid of that excess dirt. The mixture of makeup and sweat also must be removed otherwise you could have some nasty breakouts.

Never forget to remove all makeup and use a simple facial wash before retiring. Then you can use a more thorough scrub down in the mornings. Remember to choose natural skincare and organic skincare products for toners and shower washes. Some of the best fragrances to go for are relaxing lavender, bergamot and geranium ingredients. These ingredients encourage circulation and keep skin soft and smooth. Remember to change pillowslips regularly as bacteria can build up there and cause skin problems.

Maintain moisture
Even in summer time people can still be prone to dry skin. This is even though the body usually produces more oils during the summer. The extra sunshine can also dry out skin.
A natural and organic night gel is great for maintaining natural oils when removing makeup. Coconut oil can also be an effective way to remove makeup while at the same time moisturising the skin.
If, after removing makeup, you have particularly dry skin, apply a natural and organic face and body cream enriched with evening primrose oil, Shea butter and calendula.

Get a Natural Glow
During the summer time, look your natural best by keeping makeup to a minimum. This can be one of the best ways to maintain your great complexion in the summer months. Even just some light lip gloss and mascara can do the trick.

Whatever you do avoid thick foundation or eyeshadow otherwise your skin won't be able to breathe. With the body producing more sweat in summer time there can be nothing worse than wiping sweat off your face and end up having foundation smeared across your cheek or forehead.
Also the less makeup you wear then the easier it is to apply sun cream and keep you skin protected. The last thing you will want to do is having sunburn spoil your summer complexion!

So in conclusion, to have natural healthy looking skin you will need to choose products that are natural and organic. Natural skincare doesn't mean breaking the bank either. There are plenty of great organic skincare products in the market now at a reasonable price. Many of them have SPF naturally occurring and this can help keep your skin glowing in the summer. So, care for your skin - natural skin care and organic skin care will keep you looking beautiful.

Find out more information about the benefits of natural skincare and organic skincare products by visiting You will find all you need to know on natural skincare.

Homemade Recipes for Beauty

Homemade Recipes for Beauty

By Mary Jane P Baniquet

Homemade quality recipes for self-grace are fun to make! It is also a great way to increase your confidence. For anyone who wants to start in this, do it in a step-by-step manner and begin with the easier recipes. For the best outcome, try to create certain recipes which come from your chosen flavor and mixture that best suits your facial or entire skin care solutions. These homemade skin care recipes are inexpensive, simple to prepare, ingredients are easy to find and proven to give beneficial outcomes when applied in a regular basis.
If you're just new to natural skin care and don't know where to start, that is fine. There are a lot of information found on the Internet. Just search on Google for skin care recipes and you will be surprised to know that there are hundreds or even thousands of information available out there. You will discover that skin care recipes are in fact very easy to prepare.

The best known ways of caring for the skin are organic because they are natural in origin. Usage of homemade skin care recipes are gaining popularity because aside from the fact that they are simple to prepare, inexpensive, plus they work wonders when applied regularly.

These best known organic skin care regimen are safer because they are natural in origin in contrast to expensive treatments, facial masks, scrubs, toner and creams that are created in laboratories. Natural skin care regimens such as milk, honey, egg, aloe vera to beautify the skin are proven effective for decades and passed on to generations. Egg and aloe vera can be used as skin cream, milk softens the skin, and honey boosts the skin moisture. Trying these natural substances will be really interesting. Procedures are simple and equipment are nearly available in your kitchen, you don't have to purchase them.
Natural Moisturizer.

Moisturizer contributes a powerful effect on your skin. It will make your skin glow and look beautiful.
During the day, coconut oil or almond oil is amazing to use, it's usually the best moisturizer. In the evening, apply more amount of these natural regimens, it will perform very well one your skin. Coconut oil can also be used to moisten the hair.

Natural Moisturizer Alternatives:
  • Shea butter - a certified organic skin care regimen for your entire body, it is actually edible. Shea butter is best to use to protect the skin during the dry season.
  • Sea buckthorn oil - herbal medicine and natural skin care treatment. It can be used to recover broken skin and promote the healing of skin lesions.
  • Acai oil - natural oil from Acai berry seeds, a finest natural antioxidant for skin.
  • Avocado Oil - rich in moisturizing features, it is packed with nutritional supplements specifically Vitamins A, D and E that normally removes the wrinkles and used to lighten deep lines on the forehead.
  • Macadamia Extracts - are natural anti-oxidants that successfully battle toxins that harm the skin. It is the best choice to moisten seriously dry skin. Macadamia ingredients easily run through the skin to hydrate it. Macadamia Extracts is a typical component among anti-aging products.
  • Cocoa Butter - for decades, cocoa has been used in washing, exfoliation and treatment of the skin.
  • Beeswax - a genuine beeswax is safe and appropriate to the skin. It contributes to the skin's hydration by enhancing the natural oil supply.
Natural Moisturizer Recipe


1 egg yolk

1/4 cup whole milk

1 tablespoon Coconut oil

Mix the ingredients and rapidly stir the ingredients together until it become smooth as cream. Apply it on skin (twice daily) and you can keep remaining mixture in the fridge for a few days.

M.P. Baniquet is a skin care expert. For more great information on homemade recipes for beauty, visit

Sunday 25 December 2011

Beauty Tips for Skincare - A Simple Routine

By Birendra Mohan Bhattacharjee 

There are various thoughts in the skincare regimen. Comply with certain time-tested activities for the care of skin to look attractive and feel energetic. Four activities constitute the basics of skin care, which are considered the most essential beauty tips for your delicate skin. You must know the kind of skin that you possess so that perfect care is suitable to the condition. There are time-tested remedies that are capable of the needful care of the skin.

There are set processes to determine the quality of the skin for helping the best care that you would plan to take. Skin types are basically divided in segments that are known as dry, normal, oily, combination and sensitive skin. You have to make sure of the type through examining the texture, look of the pores, feel and conditions. Once you have verified the quality, you can begin the requisite care.

Skincare is also a step-wise activity and they are cleansing, exfoliation and moisturize. You need to comply with these steps routinely to have a positive effect on the skin and simultaneously avoid wrinkles or untimely aging of the skin.

a) Cleaning is the primary step where you need to cleanse the skin with a cleanser that produces no irritation on the skin surface Different kinds of the skin would require different cleaning components, which you have to choose after consultation with the expert beautician or the cosmologist.

If you are using soap, do it only once a day and preferably at night so that you are able to wash your face with lukewarm water followed by an application of an overnight cream. The natural product would be a classy choice for the safety of the delicate skin. You will also be able to get rid of the makeup, if you have any.

b) Exfoliation should be undertaken once in a week to get rid of dead cells on the skin that develop with aging. Dead cells also contribute to dull complexion, which can be prevented with the process. It provides the correct routes for moisturizers and skin tonics to penetrate skin pores to keep them clean. Various methods are in use for the process like using a brush with long handle to exfoliate the body or hand gloves and so on. Several types of bath brushes are freely available in the local market. You can visit the modern spa for body scrubbing sessions as well. You should wash the face in the morning with plain water as the primary exfoliation process. Men take the full advantage of the process as they shave every day in the morning.

c) Moisturize is an essential step that every kind of skin should experience because it is the most advantageous of all the steps that we discussed here. It is the process to retain the moisture of the skin to make the skin appear lively and is the fundamental strategy of the anti-wrinkle process. Use a natural or herbal product to ensure safety from adverse chemical reactions. The skin reflects the care to look youthful and healthy.

For more information on beauty secrets and health tips, consult Skin beauty tips.